Would you like to make a donation or your regular offering?

Here are different ways to make your weekly offering:

  1. Drop it in the offering plate during a worship service.

  2. Mail it to St. Paul’s Church, 21 Centre St., Concord NH 03301

  3. Set up an automatic payment through your bank and have it mailed directly to St. Paul’s.

  4. Give via credit or debit card in your internet browser by clicking here.

  5. Give via credit or debit card on your phone using the reputable service Tithe.ly: simply text “give” to 603-786-7126 and you will be prompted to enter an amount of your choice and your debit/credit card number. (Note: If you’ve given in this manner before allowed Tithe.ly to save your credit card, you will get a message back asking you to just specify an amount.

Click here if you would like to complete your Annual Giving Certificate online.

St. Paul’s Church participates in the RaiseRight program as a fundraiser. You can purchase gift cards to a large variety of retailers and restaurants and St. Paul’s Church will receive a portion of the sales. Click here to see the current participants.